Zenit 122 manual
Por desgracia, no tenemos el manual de Zenit 122 disponible en Espanol. Este manual esta disponible en -. The Zenit 122 is a 35mm SLR made in Russia by KMZ , introduced in 1990 — one of a long series of Zenits . Lenses have the 42mm screw thread fitting ; the standard lens was a 58mm f2 Helios. This Zenit model features an ABS plastic body and a TTL light meter Ver el manual de Zenit 122 aqui, gratis. Este manual pertenece a la categoria Camaras digitales y Este manual esta disponible en los siguientes idiomas: - . ?Tienes alguna pregunta sobre Zenit 122 Zenith 122 printed camera manual. Buy today. Receive a high quality printed and bound manual in days. Zenit 122. Price: €11.95. Stock type: Printed Instruction Manual.
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